The University of Melbourne


Version 2 2024-06-07, 03:28
Version 1 2024-05-29, 11:49
posted on 2024-06-07, 03:28 authored by Carol BrownCarol Brown, Bronwyn Kidd, Susan Dimasi, Emma ReddingEmma Redding, Monica Lim

BREATH TRIO is a performance created by Carol Brown, Emma Redding and Monica Lim in response to the exhibition THROUGH HER BREATH by Bronwyn Kidd at Montsalvat Gallery. The work celebrates the corporeal archive of ancestral, maternal and atmospheric breathing through a choreo-musical score that inhabited the architecture of the lofty Montsalvat Barn. Collaborating with photographer Bronwyn Kidd, costume designer Susan Dimasi, designer Virginia Dowser and makeup artist Bernadette Fisers, this female collective assembled a performance landscape that communicated the concept of 'her breath' across media and materials. Impetus for the exhibition came from, 'Breaths and Beats: Vibrating at the Borders of Memory' (Brown, Dance Research Aotearoa) and Brown and Kidd's earlier collaboration with a group of young dancers through a reimagining of modernist photographic and dance-breath practices. This work is underscored by the philosophy of Luce Irigaray who urges us to 'remember the air' and in doing so our debt to the maternal body for it is our mothers' bodies that breathe first for us, creating the ground for autonomy. The trio form created a shifting weave of movement traces with long, quick and held breaths rhythmically interplaying with Monica Lim's augmented piano score. Audience encountered the work in the context of the exhibition and were able to experience the dance up close and in proximity to its catalysing source in the photographic imagery of the exhibition and related materials (text, video and costumes).


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