Ancient Egyptian relics have always fascinated me and I find them ruthlessly inspiring.
A Pyramidion is a very special and particular stone that tops a pyramid (or an obelisk, in Egypt), and is itself a miniature pyramid. Very few, if any Pyramidion’s have been found still sitting atop their pyramid and, if they still exist, are usually unearthed somewhere nearby their original resting place.
In comparison to the magnitude and size of a pyramid, it’s capstone is minute. Yet it is arguably the most important stone placed on the structure as it brings the entire pyramid to a point at the same angle and proportions as the main body.
In an unusual twist of luck (so, I swear not intentional), the climax of this piece occurs during the 3-4th minute, which as a seven minute work means it, structurally, roughly follows the outline of a triangle.
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