Global tropical cyclone characteristics simulated in an ACCESS 1.3 climate model and ERA-Interim reanalysis
This is the data of tropical cyclones (TCs) simulated by the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS) 1.3 global climate model at 40km horizontal resolution using two different tracking schemes (CSIRO Scheme, OWZP scheme) for a period of 20 years across the globe. In addition, it has the TCs simulated in the ERA-Interim reanalysis using both the tracking schemes as well the IBTrACS TC data (observations) for a period from 1990-2009. It also includes the spatial data of TC genesis and tracks frequency of the model, reanalysis and IBTrACS within a 4 degree by 4-degree box region across the globe. Also, the interannual and seasonal TC frequency data, ENSO induced changes in the genesis locations, individual cyclone tracks across the Australian basin for the year 1990 are uploaded. A word document describes the details of the data files uploaded.