The University of Melbourne

A practical method for evaluating spatial biodiversity offset scenarios based on spatial conservation prioritization outputs - Data and code

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posted on 2020-02-25, 09:10 authored by HEINI KUJALA, Atte Moilanen, Ninni Mikkonen
Data and code used to produce the results in Moilanen et al. (2020) "A practical method for evaluating spatial biodiversity offset scenarios based on spatial conservation prioritization outputs", accepted for publication in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

The R script replicates the results using the data provided.

The clear cuts layer gives the locations of forests that have been clear cut in the Uusimaa region in the past 20 years (status at Oct 2018).
Original data layers and metadata (in Finnish only):

Forest age and the location of harvesting mature forests (>60 years) are based on the 11th Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI).
Original data layers and metadata:

The priority rank and weighted rarity richness layers have been produced in another study. If you use these layers independently, please use this reference:
Mikkonen, N., Leikola, N., Lahtinen, A., Lehtomäki, J., & Halme, P. (2018). Monimuotoisuudelle tärkeät metsäalueet Suomessa (Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja No. 9) (p. 104). Helsinki: Suomen Ympäristökeskus (SYKE).

Original priority layer (High Biodiversity Value Forests 2018 (Zonation) nationwide):


In the above spatial prioritisation project, forest values reported in NFI 11 have been corrected based on information on forestry management actions (e.g. thinning and harvesting) that have taken place after the inventory.


Academy of Finland, Strategic Research Council project IBC-Carbon, grant #312559

Finnish Ministry of the Environment

National Environmental Science Program (NESP), Australian Government
