The University of Melbourne

Australian missions, stations, reserves and carceral institutions 1788-2020 datasets

posted on 2024-09-19, 05:43 authored by Eleanor BensonEleanor Benson, Morgan Brigg, Ke HuKe Hu, SARAH MADDISONSARAH MADDISON, Alexia Makras, NIKKI MOODIENIKKI MOODIE, Elizabeth StrakoschElizabeth Strakosch

Datasets of Aboriginal missions, reserves, stations and carceral institutions in so-called Australia from 1788-2020. Includes description of data collection process for missions, stations and reserves. Sites were predominantly drawn from Find and Connect’s Map of Children’s Homes ( and also includes a dataset from another project, NSW Aborigines Protection/Welfare Board 1883-1969 Map (DP150100247). A range of other sources were used as listed in ‘reference’ columns. Data was collected as part of Australian Research Council Discovery Project, Revitalising Indigenous-state relations in Australia (DP200101016 – the University of Melbourne).


Revitalising Indigenous-state relations in Australia

Australian Research Council

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