Specimens CT scanned at the School of Earth Sciences,
University of Melbourne, in a Phoenix|x-ray nanotom
at 60 kV, 300 μA for 500 ms over 1000 projections,
resulting in a final voxel size of 0.01777805 mm for Patiriella littoralis and 0.02000012 mm for Patiriella regularis. Each zip file contains reconstructed tif stack and metadata text file with scan details.
When using data, please cite:
O’Hara TD, Mah CL, Hipsley CA, Bribiesca-Contreras G, Barrett NS. 2018. The Derwent River Seastar: re-evaluation of a critically endangered marine invertebrate. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 10.1093/zoolinnean/zly057