The University of Melbourne

Database of publications reviewed in "Freshwater mollusc sclerochronology: trends, challenges, and future directions" (Stringer and Prendergast 2023, Earth-Science Reviews).

posted on 2023-11-19, 10:06 authored by Chloe StringerChloe Stringer, AMY PRENDERGASTAMY PRENDERGAST

This item provides an overview of all the freshwater mollusc sclerochronology publications reviewed in "Freshwater mollusc sclerochronology: trends, challenges, and future directions" and relevant data used in the analysis of the publications, included taxon investigated in each study. Further information about study sites investigated in these publications can be found here.


Spreadsheet containing database.


PDF explaining the recording fields used in 'FWMSRev_Main-Database_v02.csv'.


This spreadsheet provides details of the taxa investigated in the publications included in 'FWMSRev_Main-Database_v02.csv'.


PDF explaining the recording fields used in 'FWMSRev_Taxon_v02.csv'.


Reference list of publications used in "FWMSRev_Main-Database_v02.csv" and ' FWMSRev_Taxon_v02.csv'.


CS was supported by an Australian Government Research Training Programme Scholarship provided by the Commonwealth of Australia and the University of Melbourne; and an AINSE Ltd. Postgraduate Research Award (PGRA). AP was supported by an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship (DE200100890) funded by the Australian Government. Both authors were supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP200101875) funded by the Australian Government.


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