The University of Melbourne

EPiC database - Aluminium foil insulation

Version 2 2020-12-10, 20:46
Version 1 2019-11-20, 05:26
posted on 2020-12-10, 20:46 authored by Robert CrawfordRobert Crawford, André StephanAndré Stephan, Fabian PrideauxFabian Prideaux
This material is part of the free Environmental Performance in Construction (EPiC) Database. The EPiC Database contains embodied environmental flow coefficients for 250+ construction materials using a comprehensive hybrid life cycle inventory approach.

Aluminium is a ductile non-ferrous metal. It is a lightweight metal with an average density of 2 700 kg/m³. It is durable, corrosion resistant, a good reflector of both visible and infrared radiation, and highly recyclable. Aluminium insulation foils provide a barrier to light, infrared radiation and sometimes air, moisture and bacteria, depending on perforation and treatment.

Aluminium insulation foil is manufactured by rolling aluminium slabs cast from molten aluminium into a mill for a desired thickness. It is produced into rolls of specific widths and lengths.

Aluminium insulation foil is commonly installed in cavities to reflect infrared radiation and trap heat inside or outside of a building (depending on its placement).
