The University of Melbourne

EPiC database - Wood glue (PVA)

Version 2 2020-12-10, 20:45
Version 1 2019-11-20, 05:28
posted on 2020-12-10, 20:45 authored by Robert CrawfordRobert Crawford, André StephanAndré Stephan, Fabian PrideauxFabian Prideaux
This material is part of the free Environmental Performance in Construction (EPiC) Database. The EPiC Database contains embodied environmental flow coefficients for 250+ construction materials using a comprehensive hybrid life cycle inventory approach.

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA), also known as wood glue, is clear drying, non-toxic, water-based adhesive commonly used as a binding agent for timber, paper, cloth and other natural fibres. It provides a flexible and strong bond that dries quickly at room temperature.

There are different grades of PVA glue, used for different purposes. 'White glue' or 'craft glue' is used for interior applications only. 'Yellow glue' or 'carpenters glue' is water-resistant, but not suitable for full exterior use. There are also exterior grade, fully waterproof variations, that are suitable for not-structural exterior purposes. These are generally slower drying, and cure at a lower temperature.

In addition to being used as a wood binding agent, PVA can also be used as a sealer, primer and filler.
