EcOH: In silico serotyping of E. coli - Supplementary material
This supplementary data accompanies the
manuscript "In silico serotyping of E. coli from short read data
identifies limited novel O loci but extensive diversity of O:H serotype
combinations within and between pathogenic lineages".
Sequences used in the EcOH database are given in EcOH Supplementary Table 1.
NCBI preliminary validation results are given in EcOH Supplementary Table 2.
Validation of phenotype from genotype on 197 EPEC isolates are in EcOH Supplementary
Tables 3-5.
Diversity analyses results on 1547 E. coli are given in EcOH Supplementary
Table 6.
Supplementary Figures 1-3 are given in EcOH
Supplementary Figures.
Sequences and annotations for the novel loci identified in GEMS and the ETEC
and GenomeTrakr datasets are given in GEMS_6novel_Oantigen.gbk and
GT_ETEC_32novel_Oantigen.gbk. Three O-antigens with variant alleles are in