Effect of Transforming Growth Factor-beta 1 on the Rat Renal Mesangial Cell Transcriptome
Rat renal mesangial cells (SciencCell, #R4200) were grown to sub-confluence on poly-L-lysine coated flasks in mesgnaial cell medium (SciencCell, #R4201) supplemented with 2�S, growth supplement (SciencCell, #R4252) and pen/strep. Cells were quiesced for 48h and then treated for 24h with human recombinant TGF-beta 1 (5 ng/mL; Sigma#T7039) in complete media (n=4) or fresh media without growth factor (n=4). Total RNA was extraced from cell pellets using standard protocols. Whole RNA stranded libraries were prepared using Illumina's Ribo-zero Gold protocol and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq platform (150bp PE). After demultiplexing and quality control, the data was then processed through RNA-seq expression analysis workflow, which included trimming, alignment, transcript assembly, feature quantification and, differential expression analysis with edgeR (verison 3.38.4).
Metabolic Priming and Reprogramming of the Glomerulus in Diabetic Kidney Disease Diabetes Australia #Y21G-HEWT
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