The University of Melbourne

Examination of the effects of heterogeneous organization of RyR clusters, myofibrils and mitochondria on Ca2+ release patterns in cardiomyocytes

posted on 2015-07-28, 02:15 authored by VIJAYARAGHAVAN RAJAGOPALVIJAYARAGHAVAN RAJAGOPAL, Gregory Bass, Cameron WalkerCameron Walker, David Crossman, Amorita Petzer, Anthony Hickey, Ivo Siekmann, Masahiko Hoshijima, Mark H. Ellisman, Edmund J. Crampin, Christian SoellerChristian Soeller
This dataset contains the electron microscopy and confocal microscopy data that were used in a study published in PLoS Computational Biology (see reference below). The dataset contains:

cardiac_cell_cross_section.rec: The 3D reconstructed electron tomogram that was used to generate a 3D model of myofibrils and mitochondria.

Files containing .mod extension: Model files generated using IMOD containing the manual segmentation of myofibrils, mitochondria and sarcolemma in the 3D electron tomogram.

Sham11_phalloidin_2_transv_dec.tif: Deconvolved confocal stack of myofibrils (stained by phalloidin) in the samples that were used for RyR cluster distribution analysis and simulation in this study.

Sham11_RyR_2*_transv_dec.tif: Deconvolved confocal image stack of the RyR clusters in the samples that were used for RyR cluster distribution analysis and simulation in this study.

Sham11_phalloidin_RyR_plectin_undeconvolved.tif: The raw, un-deconvolved confocal image stack that was used in this study. Contains RyR, phalloidin and plectin stained images. 


RSNZ Marsden Fast Start 11-UOA-184, University of Melbourne Dyason Fellowship, VLSCI VR0313, HFSP RGP0027/2013
