This dataset contains the electron microscopy and confocal microscopy data that were used in a study published in PLoS Computational Biology (see reference below). The dataset contains:
cardiac_cell_cross_section.rec: The 3D reconstructed electron tomogram that was used to generate a 3D model of myofibrils and mitochondria.
Files containing .mod extension: Model files generated using IMOD containing the manual segmentation of myofibrils, mitochondria and sarcolemma in the 3D electron tomogram.
Sham11_phalloidin_2_transv_dec.tif: Deconvolved confocal stack of myofibrils (stained by phalloidin) in the samples that were used for RyR cluster distribution analysis and simulation in this study.
Sham11_RyR_2*_transv_dec.tif: Deconvolved confocal image stack of the RyR clusters in the samples that were used for RyR cluster distribution analysis and simulation in this study.
Sham11_phalloidin_RyR_plectin_undeconvolved.tif: The raw, un-deconvolved confocal image stack that was used in this study. Contains RyR, phalloidin and plectin stained images.
RSNZ Marsden Fast Start 11-UOA-184, University of Melbourne Dyason Fellowship, VLSCI VR0313, HFSP RGP0027/2013