The University of Melbourne

Freelance et al. 2020 photic environment sensory adaptation data

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Version 4 2021-03-02, 03:31
Version 3 2021-02-11, 03:26
Version 2 2020-08-19, 02:20
Version 1 2020-08-19, 02:16
posted on 2021-03-02, 03:31 authored by CHRISTOPHER FREELANCECHRISTOPHER FREELANCE, Simon Tierney, Juanita RodriguezJuanita Rodriguez, DEVI STUART-FOXDEVI STUART-FOX, Bob WongBob Wong, MARK ELGARMARK ELGAR
Data contains compound eye ommatidia diameter and antennal sensilla density metrics for 12 closely-related pairs of insect species that vary in the photic environment (day, dim-light) in which they are active for foraging and reproduction. Each species pair is from a separate taxonomic family with one day- and one dim-light- active species.
