Results of species-specific impacts on priority patterns and the spatial characteristics of each species.
The table gives numerical values for each species. Headings in this table correspond to:
set = species set
n = total number of species in the set
sp = species j ID
coverage = proportion of study area covered by species j distribution
J = mean Jaccard index between species j and all other species in the same set
spn = average species richness within species j distribution
cor = spatial correlation between the distribution of species j and the priorities built without it
rankdiff = absolute difference in priority ranks when species j included
AUC = mean difference in protection of all other species in a set when species j is included, measured using the area under the curve (AUC)
aoi = study area, GH: Greater Hunter, FIN: Finland
The zip file includes the spatial priority maps for the Finnish bird data set.
Updates to this data:
2 Jan 2018 - table of species values updated as AUC values for species set sizes of 50 accidentally missing in the previous version. 2 Jan 2018 - added prioritisation results for the Finnish bird data set
ARC DP150102472; ARC DP160101003; National Environmental Research Program (NESP); Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence Programme