The University of Melbourne

Literature and survey data for: Psychology, not technology, is our biggest challenge to open digital morphology data.

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Version 4 2019-04-03, 07:35
Version 3 2019-04-03, 07:30
Version 2 2019-02-15, 06:08
Version 1 2019-02-15, 06:06
posted on 2019-04-03, 07:35 authored by Christy Hipsley, Emma SherrattEmma Sherratt
Hipsley, C. A. & Sherratt, E. Literature and survey data for: Psychology, not technology, is our biggest challenge to open digital morphology data.

Excel file containing 3 worksheets:
1) Literature summary: Data accompanying Figure 1a.
Number of publications per year retrieved through Web of Science’s Science Citation Index Expanded using the topic search terms: x-ray comput* tomograph* OR CT; magnetic resonance imag* OR MRI; synchrotron; photogrammetr*. Articles were limited to the Web of Science categories Anatomy Morphology, Evolutionary Biology, Paleontology, and Zoology. Results for 2018 are not shown. Only three articles prior to 1980 were recovered. Search performed on 25 June 2018.
2) CT papers: Data accompanying Figure 1b. 50 publications including CT data published in the past 5 years in Anatomical Record, Journal of Anatomy, Journal of Morphology, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, and Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (10 papers each). These journals were among the top 10% of publishers including CT data recovered in our literature search.
3) Survey responses: Includes data accompanying Figure 2. Responses to an online survey generated in Google Docs and posted to the MORPHMET and geomorph discussion groups. Results can also be found here:


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