The University of Melbourne

Lung Surgery database

posted on 2020-06-28, 00:36 authored by Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH)
Details of specific lung surgery, pathology, immediate outcomes and long term disease specific and overall survival outcomes. Includes private and public patients on StV campus.


Institution name

St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Unit name

Cardiothoracic Surgery

Principal contact name

Gavin Wright

Principal contact email address

Dataset ID


Available for research?

  • Yes

Collaborating institutions information

Active LRR HREC to answer research questions with similar databases maintained at RMH and Austin thoracic surgical units.

Number of people/participants


Data source

  • Clinical
  • Research

Data source details

It is used primarily for audit of outcomes in line with College of Surgeons requirements for continuing professional development. However also subject of multiple HREC and QA applications for research and quality assurance purposes.

Study or collection type

  • Clinical register

Data collection started


Dataset still being added to?

  • Yes