The University of Melbourne

Mechanistic forecasts of species responses to climate change: the promise of biophysical ecology - data files

posted on 2022-12-27, 10:42 authored by NATALIE BRISCOENATALIE BRISCOE, Shane Morris, Paul Mathewson, Lauren Buckley, Marko Jusup, Ofir Levy, Ilya MacleanIlya Maclean, Sylvain Pincebourde, Eric Riddell, Jessica Roberts, Rafael SchoutenRafael Schouten, Mike Sears, Michael KearneyMichael Kearney

Data supporting the publication: Briscoe, N.J., Morris, S.D., Mathewson, P.D., Buckley, L.B., Jusup, M., Levy, O., Maclean, I.M.D., Pincebourde, S., Riddell, E.A., Roberts, J.A., Schouten, R., Sears, M.W. and Kearney, M.R. (2022), Mechanistic forecasts of species responses to climate change: the promise of biophysical ecology. Glob Change Biol.

Datafiles included & brief description (see README file for additional information)


1. Biophysical_model_lit_review_complete_final.csv

Data on biophysical modelling studies included in the review, includes publication details, year, Class (ectotherm, endotherm, both) and whether climate change was considered (Yes, No) as well as details of the software used. Includes data used to generate Figure 3a. 

2. Biophysical_model_lit_review_raw_search_results.csv

Raw results from literature search identifying potential biophysical modelling studies. These were screened to identify publications to include in the final review set (1). 

3. Lizard_snake_traits_data_search_results.csv

Results from literature searches using terms relating to different types of functional trait data for lizards and snakes: thermal physiology, hydric physiology, morphology, metabolism and thermoregulatory behaviour. Includes data used to generate Figure 3b.

4. Literature_search.R 

Code to generate Figure 3. 

5. feral_cat_microclimate_data_Fig1.csv

Feral cat microclimate data used to generate Figure 1b. Includes hourly observed and predicted temperatures for several locations (sun-surface, shade-surface, burrow). 

6. feral_cat_predicted_water_costs_Fig1

Feral cat predicted evaporative water loss data used to generate Figure 1c. Includes predicted daily evaporative water loss for feral cats in several locations (sun-surface, shade-surface, burrow). 

*Additional information on how feral cat micrclimate and water costs data were generated can be found in Briscoe, N. J.,  McGregor, H.,  Roshier, D.,  Carter, A.,  Wintle, B. A., &  Kearney, M. R. (2022).  Too hot to hunt: Mechanistic predictions of thermal refuge from cat predation risk. Conservation Letters,  15, e12906.  



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