Melbourne Water Stream Network Database. Version 1.3.1
The Melbourne Stream Network database is a systematic collection of hydro-environmental characteristics of streams and rivers of the Melbourne Water (Victoria, Australia) region (catchments of Western Port and Port Phillip Bay east of Little River, covering an area of 12,900 km2). The stream lines are an accurate representation of hydrologically connected flow paths, derived from 1-m LiDAR. All 35,589 streams have unique names (and 3-character stream codes), corresponding to their recognized names where known. The stream lines are divided into 131,298 reaches (sites), each with a subcatchment boundary derived from a 5-m digital elevation model. The database contains a wide range of environmental characteristics for each reach.
The database provides more accurate and finer-scale representations of flow paths, catchment boundaries and environmental characteristics than available larger-scale datasets. It includes tables and fields that allow rapid whole-network calculations. For more information, including tips on using the data, see the database website, which also includes a web version of the user's manual.
Australian Research Council LP200100381
Melbourne Water: Melbourne Waterway Research-Practice Partnership
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