posted on 2021-12-02, 23:25authored byMathew Hardy, Damien Burrows, Allan Dale, Michael Douglas, Alan Jordan, David Karoly, Rachel MorgainRachel Morgain, Sheriden Morris, KIRSTEN PARRISKIRSTEN PARRIS, Jorge G. Álvarez-Romero, Ricky Archer, Sarah Bekessy, Sonia Bluhm, Bryan Boruff, Andrew Brooks, Rob Colman, Sonia Cooper, Fiona Dickson, Piers Dunstan, Brendan Edgar, Stephen Garnett, Teagan Goolmeer, Michael Grose, Marco Gutierrez Gonzalez, Paul Hedge, Mandy Hopkins, Terri Janke, Mark Kennard, David Pannell, Jeremy Russell-Smith, Jeremy Simmonds, Blair Trewin, John Turnbull, Stephen van Leeuwen, Kristen Williams, BRENDAN WINTLEBRENDAN WINTLE
A compendium of meta-data for datasets relevant to integrated environmental assessments in northern Australia, identified as part of Project 7.9 of the Australian Government National Environmental Science Program, a cross-hub project entitled "Integrated environmental assessment to inform environmental decisions". The compendium accompanies a technical report "Integrated Environmental Assessment to inform sustainable development decisions: A preliminary analysis for northern Australia" and has been produced to assist practitioners considering or undertaking integrated environmental assessments - particularly focussed on northern Australia. Many of the datasets were identified by IEA practitioners and experts through a series of technical workshops held as part of the IEA project in November 2020.
Australian Government National Environmental Science Programme