The University of Melbourne
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Neural mediators of subjective and autonomic responding during threat learning and regulation

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posted on 2021-10-25, 01:48 authored by Hannah Savage, BENJAMIN HARRISONBENJAMIN HARRISON
Within the zipped attachment are the results from the whole-brain multilevel mediation analyses reported in “­­Neural mediators of subjective and autonomic responding during threat learning and regulation” (doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118643). We performed six mediation analyses to identify neural mediators of subjective changes (anxious arousal and valence) and SCR during threat learning (models 1-3); and similarly, during threat reversal (models 4-6). See manuscript for the specification of model parameters

Each folder contains the results from running the Canlab ‘publish_mediation_report.m’ which generates an html file per run. This report includes detailed results tables at both FDR q<0.05 and uncorrected thresholds, as well as figures of each cluster and montages of each path effect. A more detailed montage of each path effect has been generated using the ‘full_montages.m’ script, with colours that match the manuscript, and has been saved as a JPEG with a corresponding figure legend for comprehensiveness.

The data required to run this analysis has also been provided. Subjective reports and SCR data for corresponding participants can be found in the outcome_variable.csv file, and the SPM con files for each participant are also included.


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