The University of Melbourne

Openings: infinity flipbooks in dialogue

Version 2 2024-04-15, 06:15
Version 1 2024-04-15, 06:10
posted on 2024-04-15, 06:15 authored by Anastaszia Ward-DaviesAnastaszia Ward-Davies

This generative flipbook is an example of a folding ovulary text (Burke & Coleman, 2023) that seeks to draw together threads, metonyms and images from the zines created by a group of research participants. The infinite folding capacity of the flipbook allows for different configurations of images and text, allowing these to subvert and reverberate as they come together and apart.

This graduate research project is funded through an Australian Research Council scholarship at the University of Melbourne. This project is supervised by A/Prof Kate Coleman and Dr Maurizio Toscano.


Australian Research Council


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