The University of Melbourne

Sites investigated in publications reviewed in "Freshwater mollusc sclerochronology: trends, challenges, and future directions" (Stringer and Prendergast 2023, Earth-Science Reviews).

posted on 2023-11-19, 10:07 authored by Chloe StringerChloe Stringer, AMY PRENDERGASTAMY PRENDERGAST

A QGIS project, and related resources, providing information about study sites investigated in publications reviewed in "Freshwater mollusc sclerochronology: trends, challenges, and future directions".

The zipped folder contains a .qgz file and related supporting files to open the study site map displayed in Figure 2 of "Freshwater mollusc sclerochronology: trends, challenges, and future directions".

  • Folder “Base_Map” contains all files used to make the base map. This was Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @
  • Folder “Map_Symbols” contains .sgv files used as the study site symbols in the map. "FWMSRev_Map-Key.png" is a key to these symbols.
  • Folder “Study-Site_Data” contains individual .csv files for each article included in the map. “Freshwater-Mollusc-Sclerochronology-Review_Map.qgz” is a project-file of the map created in QGIS.

To open the map on your own computer, first, extract all files. Then, open “Freshwater-Mollusc-Sclerochronology-Review_Map.qgz” using the open-source GIS software, QGIS (“Welcome to the QGIS project!,” n.d.)). See "Freshwater-Mollusc-Sclerochronology-Review_Map-Instructions.txt" for further instructions.


Key to symbology used for sites in “Freshwater-Mollusc-Sclerochronology-Review_Map.qgz”.


This spreadsheet provides details of the study sites investigated in some of the research publications reviewed in this article, along with relevant details of the publications. The contents of this spreadsheet are represented in the map (‘Freshwater-Mollusc-Sclerochronology-Review_Map.qgz’) and found as seperate .csv files in Folder "Study-Site_Data".


PDF explaining the recording fields used in 'FWMSRev_Site-Geography_v02.csv'.


Reference list of publications used in "" and "FWMSRev_Site-Geography_v02.csv".


CS was supported by an Australian Government Research Training Programme Scholarship provided by the Commonwealth of Australia and the University of Melbourne; and an AINSE Ltd. Postgraduate Research Award (PGRA). AP was supported by an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship (DE200100890) funded by the Australian Government. Both authors were supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP200101875) funded by the Australian Government.


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