The University of Melbourne

Spatial distribution of working age adults with disabilities across Australia: a small area analysis of the 2016 Census.

Version 4 2019-02-27, 02:29
Version 3 2019-02-27, 02:25
Version 2 2019-02-27, 02:19
Version 1 2019-02-27, 02:18
posted on 2019-02-27, 02:29 authored by Qingsheng Zhou, Gwynnyth Llewellyn, Eric Emerson, Hannah Badland, Roger Stancliffe
When 23 million Australians filled in their Census forms in 2016, 3.3% of working age adults (15 to 64 years) were identified as having a disability as they reported needing
assistance in their self care, mobility and communication in their daily living.

Our team at the Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH) has released an Interactive Map, and an accompanying Technical Report.

Access the map here:

The map shows the proportion of working age adults who were identified as having a disability across Australia. It shows that there is considerable variation in the prevalence of disability between small geographic areas. Users can explore specific geographic areas of interest through the built-in navigation.

The Technical Report documents some key decisions on the map specifications and covers topics on data and definition, selection of geographic unit, impact of small counts, missing values, age standardisation, and data stability over time. It also gives a series of snapshots of several regions across the country where very high proportions of working age adults resided.

The source of the data referred to in this report is the Census of Population and Housing 2016 collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The team would like to acknowledge the work of the ABS.

NOTE: The geographic areas used in the map are the Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) as defined in Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The SA2 is the smallest area used in the majority of ABS statistical releases and generally have a population range of 3,000 to 25,000 persons. On average they contain about 6,600 working age adults.


NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH)
