The University of Melbourne

TRACC (Colorectal cancer)

posted on 2020-06-28, 00:36 authored by Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH)
Treatment of Recurrent and Advanced Metastatic Colorectal Cancer


Institution name

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI)

Unit name

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI)

Principal contact name

Maria Edmonds

Principal contact email address

Dataset ID

Available for research?

  • Yes

Collaborating institutions information

Participating institutions have access to datasets for all patient data but can only see their own sites data. They get ethics and governance approval. RMH ethics Western Health PMCC Melbourne Private Hospital: Western Private Hospital: Campbelltown Hospital: Westmead Hospital: Private rooms: Epworth Richmond Cabrini Hospital Ringwoord Private Hospital Peninsula Private Hospital 275 Moreland Road, Coburg South West HealthCare: Epworth HC: Eastern Health HREC Box Hill Hospital

Number of people/participants


Data source

  • Clinical
  • Research

Data source details

The contributprs to this project are in two streams. Participating institutions have access to datasets for all patient data but can only see their own sites data. The funders are able to ask for de-identified reports. This is approved internally by the Data Analyst at BioGrid and these projects receive full ethics and governance review at participating centres

Study or collection type

  • Research database/databank

Data collection started


Dataset still being added to?

  • Yes