The University of Melbourne

The Functional And Evolutionary Trait Heritability (FAETH) score of over 17 million cattle sequence variants

Version 2 2019-08-29, 01:26
Version 1 2019-08-29, 01:06
posted on 2019-08-29, 01:26 authored by RUIDONG XIANGRUIDONG XIANG, IRENE VAN DEN BERG, Iona M. MacLeod, Benjamin Hayes, CLAIRE PROWSE-WILKINS, Min Wang, Bolormaa Sunduimijid, Hans Daetwyler, Amanda J. Chamberlain, Michael E. Goddard
Please see attached '' for how to use this dataset.

For citation:

Xiang, R., Van Den Berg, I., MacLeod, I. M., Hayes, B. J., Prowse-Wilkins, C. P., Wang, M., ... Goddard, M.E. (2019). Quantifying the contribution of sequence variants with regulatory and evolutionary significance to 34 bovine complex traits. PNAS (2019), In Press.


Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects (DP160101056)

Dairy Futures CRC and DairyBio (a joint venture project between Agriculture Victoria and Dairy Australia)
