Wave-Coupled Effects on Oceanic Biogeochemistry: Insights from a Global Ocean Biogeochemical Model in the Southern Ocean [Dataset]
# Surface Wave Mixing Experiment Datasets
# ## Overview
# These datasets contain the outputs of experiments investigating the effects of surface wave mixing on ocean biogeochemistry.
# The experiments were conducted by Chinglen Tensubam at the University of Melbourne.
# These datasets were used to generate results and figures presented in the paper titled:
# **Wave-Coupled Effects on Oceanic Biogeochemsitry:Insights from a Global Ocean Biogeochemical Model in the Southern Ocean**
# by CM Tensubam et al. to the Journal of Earth and Space Science (ESS).
# ## Datasets
# There are a total of six datasets in this directory:
# - `OCEAN_3D_NO_WAVES.nc`, `TOPAZ_3D_NO_WAVES.nc`, `TOPAZ_SFC_NO_WAVES.nc`: Outputs from the 'Without Waves Experiment'.
# - `OCEAN_3D_WITH_WAVES.nc`, `TOPAZ_3D_WITH_WAVES.nc`, `TOPAZ_SFC_WITH_WAVES.nc`: Outputs from the 'With Waves Experiment'.
# ### Dataset Contents
# - `OCEAN_3D*.nc` datasets contain monthly 3D upper ocean variables: temperature, salt, u, v, and density.
# - `TOPAZ_3D*.nc` datasets contain monthly 3D biogeochemical variables: Chlorophyll, nitrate, and phosphate.
# - `TOPAZ_SFC*.nc` datasets contain surface nitrate, phosphate, dissolved iron, chlorophyll, sea surface temperature and mixed layer depth data from 2001 to 2018.
# ## Citation
# If you use these datasets in your work, please consider citing the paper and doi of the datasets:
# **Wave-Coupled Effects on Oceanic Biogeochemistry:Insights from a Global Ocean Biogeochemical Model in the Southern Ocean** by CM Tensubam et al.
# Journal: Journal of Earth and Space Science (ESS)
# Paper DOI: To be updated
# Dataset DOI: To be updated
# For further details and inquiries, please contact [Chinglen Tensubam](mailto:ctensubam@student.unimelb.edu.au).
# alternate email: chinglenforever@gmail.com: