The University of Melbourne

File(s) not publicly available

chILDRANZ Interstitial Lung Diseases self-reported surveys

posted on 2020-06-25, 05:46 authored by Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH)
Understanding, expectation, experience with genomic testing in baseline (pre-test) and follow up (post-test) surveys. This data is self-reported by carers of participants.


Institution name

Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Unit name

Australian Genomics

Principal contact name

Stefanie Elbracht-Leong

Principal contact email address

Dataset ID

chILDRANZ Surveys

Available for research?

  • Yes

Collaborating institutions information

AGHA collaborators and partners.

Number of people/participants


Data source

  • Research

Study or collection type

  • Research database/databank

Data collection started

October 2018

Dataset still being added to?

  • Yes

Additional comments

All AGHA flagship datasets are under embargo for external access until 12 months after the final sequencing report for that flagship has been delivered.