The University of Melbourne

A #DataCreativities How-To Guide for Collaborative Attribution

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Version 2 2020-12-03, 07:34
Version 1 2020-12-03, 07:18
educational resource
posted on 2020-12-03, 07:34 authored by Kristal Spreadborough, Gene Melzack, Emily FitzgeraldEmily Fitzgerald

This document has three goals:

1. To clearly define how the #DataCreativities collaboration outputs should be cited by others,

2. To clearly state how the #DataCreativities collaboration will cite others,

3. To make explicit how the #DataCreativities collaboration approaches individual and collective attribution.

We believe that such a document is necessary as data and output citation (especially when those outputs are Non Traditional Research Outputs which are common in the #DataCreativities collaboration) can often be ambiguous. Additionally, we wish to clearly articulate our approach to attribution since collective attribution is less common than individual attribution in the academic context. This document serves as a record of the #DataCreativities approach, and may be used as a blue print for other collaborations engaged in similar work.

Please cite as:

#DataCreativities (2020): A #DataCreativities How-To Guide for Collaborative Attribution.

Visit the #DataCreativities Omeka site here:
