The Journals and Stickers that are pictured here are components of the Hacking the Anthropocene Kit ( co-designed in partnership with the Science Gallery International Network. Every kit contains resources for a group of five young people (15-28 years) to hack the Anthropocene. The journals are a place for documenting and ideating. The stickers are used by young hackers for a range of purposes, including 'writing' emoji stories and for performing careful coding of data generated during the hackathon.
Each box includes a canvas bag containing:
5x Journals which include sense, think, wonder, fear/hope prompts
5 x sets of emoji stickers for emoji stories
5x climate and carbon related icons and charctaers to augment the emoji stickers and enable more specific story-telling
5x sets of key word tags drawn from Science Gallery International's (2022) "Hot and Bothered Report"
5x sets of colour coding stickers
5x sets of place-making and directional symbols / icons to provide spatial / geographical coding options
Hacking the Anthropocene. UoM and FoE Co-investment grant for India Partnerships / Community Engagement