The University of Melbourne

TEP Creative and Critical Thinking Flashcards

Version 2 2022-03-21, 01:09
Version 1 2022-03-10, 06:17
educational resource
posted on 2022-03-21, 01:09 authored by KATHRYN COLEMANKATHRYN COLEMAN, SUE ARNEYSUE ARNEY, Fiona KingFiona King, Brayden Dunstan

These Flashcards explore concepts of critical and creative thinking within the field of arts education. The design allows for participants to consider how combinations can provoke you to wonder, speculate, reflect and problem solve. With each play participants can create opportunities for questions and possibilities, reasoning, and meta-cognition that unfolds between game players. The flashcards were developed by Arts Education staff at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education as part of a masterclass for the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. The flashcards were developed by Kathryn Coleman, Fiona King and Sue Arney with designer-teacher Brayden Dunstan.
