The University of Melbourne

Biosecurity Continuum

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Version 2 2023-07-25, 09:52
Version 1 2023-07-21, 01:07
posted on 2023-07-25, 09:52 authored by Lucie M Bland, Sana Bau, SUSAN HESTERSUSAN HESTER, EDITH ARNDTEDITH ARNDT

The Biosecurity Continuum, including pre-border, border, and post-border activities and the context in which the system operates (including international arrangements, pressures, and players). FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization. IMO: International Maritime Organization. IPPC: International Plant Protection Convention. SPS Agreement: Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. WOAH: World Organisation for Animal Health. WTO: World Trade Organization.

Recommended citation:

Bland, Lucie M; Bau, Sana; Hester, Susan; Arndt, Edith (2023). Biosecurity Continuum. Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis. University of Melbourne. Figure.

More details on the Biosecurity Continuum, please see:

Dodd, A., N. Stoeckl, J. Baumgartner, and T. Kompas. “Key Result Summary: Valuing Australia’s Biosecurity System.” Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis, August 2020.

Schneider, K., and E. Arndt. “Evaluating the Health of Australia’s Biosecurity System.” Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis, June 2020.


Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis and Research

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

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