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Data Creativities Figshare figure
As an academic in the creative and performing arts sphere, with a virginal and timid understanding of the Figshare platform, I have used a very simple figurative representation of my understanding of Figshare as my baptismal offering to the platform. The simplicity of the powerpoint figure I have generated mirrors my burgeoning knowledge of it's academic worth; the knowledge I have so far gleaned has only been possible due to my collaboration in the Data Creativities project. #datacreativities
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- Musicology and ethnomusicology
- Music performance
- Music composition and improvisation
- Other creative arts and writing not elsewhere classified
- Computer gaming and animation
- Creative writing (incl. scriptwriting)
- Dance and dance studies
- Drama, theatre and performance studies
- Digital and electronic media art
- Cinema studies
- Screen media
- Screen and digital media not elsewhere classified
- Fine arts
- Interactive media
- Music therapy
- Performing arts not elsewhere classified
- Performance art
- Visual arts not elsewhere classified
- Visual cultures
- Pacific Peoples music and performing arts
- Te puoro me ngā mahi a te rēhia o te Māori (Māori music and performing arts)
- Photography, video and lens-based practice
- Crafts
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music and performing arts
datacreativitiesdatacreativesdatacreative artsMCMFFAMMusicology and EthnomusicologyMusic PerformanceMusic CompositionStudies in the Creative Arts and Writing not elsewhere classifiedComputer Gaming and AnimationCreative Writing (incl. Playwriting)DanceDrama, Theatre and Performance StudiesElectronic Media ArtFilm and TelevisionFilm, Television and Digital Media not elsewhere classifiedFine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting)Interactive MediaMusic TherapyPerforming Arts and Creative Writing not elsewhere classifiedPerformance and Installation ArtVisual Arts and Crafts not elsewhere classifiedVisual CulturesPacific Peoples Performing ArtsMaori Performing ArtsLens-based PracticeCraftsCinema StudiesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Performing Arts
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