The University of Melbourne

Forty-one Pieces for Piano

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posted on 2025-01-21, 23:53 authored by ANDREA MEAGHERANDREA MEAGHER
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NTRO Output Type

  • Original Creative Work

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  • Original Creative Work : Textual work


Melbourne, Australia

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sheet music book & accompanying audio recording

Research Statement

The objective of Forty-one Pieces for Piano is to provide a sheet music + audio resource to piano teachers and students that offers a contemporary Australian voice in piano pedagogy. The contemporary jazz compositions arranged for two and four hands cater to varying levels of pianistic ability. This resource provides notated versions of largely improvised compositions, making this selection of contemporary jazz compositions available to a much larger audience of piano teachers and students. The book/audio provides opportunities for extended learning through its negotiation of the inherent spontaneous and improvised elements in jazz. Half the works involve improvisation and include accompanying guidelines and tools to assist development in this area. This enables piano teachers without previous experience of improvisation to learn alongside their students. Through the process of creating the book I worked with Melbourne classical pianist and teach (and VCA alumni) Georgina Lewis, who provided feedback on the arrangements and notation. Together we recorded the complete collection. The Australian Guild of Music and Speech have included one of the pieces in their new series of piano books. I was recently invited to present at the launch of their new series ‘Spotlight on Piano Pedagogy’ to a group of piano teachers. As the e-book has only been released today February 5, 2024, I have not yet been able to collect evidence of excellence from peers, the public, or reviews and awards. I will update as these things become available.

Size or Duration of Work

forty-one compositions/arrangements, recorded version goes for approximately 136 minutes


Andrea Keller Meagher, University of Melbourne

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