The University of Melbourne

Just a Boy, Standing in Front of a Girl

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posted on 2024-08-21, 03:06 authored by EMILY COLLETTEMILY COLLETT, Beng Oh, Gabriel Partington, Jane Miller, Hudson Emery, Sophie Lampel, Annie Lumsden, Glenn van Oosterom, John Kollopy, Ben Keene, Teri Steer
From the creators of The Yellow Wave and Cuckoo comes a Medea for our times. Just a Boy, Standing in Front of a Girl is a darkly funny, tragicomic take on the legendary relationship between J and M, from teenage romance to domestic nightmare. A savage and subversive re-imagining of events surrounding a classic text, Just a Boy is a contemporary parable of the patriarchy that shows what happens when you're smart, strong and female.


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  • Live Performance of Creative Work

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  • Live Performance of Creative Work : Play


Melbourne, Australia


FortyFive Downstairs

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Set and costume design for live performance

Research Statement

A remount of the 2018 production, the return of this play (a prior return season cancelled by Covid-19 lockdowns) enabled a re-examination of gendered experience in Western society, especially that of women in relation to domestic violence, through the retelling of Medea. Covid-19 lockdowns exposed new depths of domestic violence in Australian society, and in this landscape the potential for this play to research the complex layers of human relationships was finally reached. It revealed a psychological nuance on stage that was innovative in linking directly to contemporary issues, which engaged the audience's own raw emotions. As such, it demonstrated how independent theatre in a post-covid world can explicitly link historical-myth to individual experience. Critical reviews highlight the intensity of relationship the production develops between them and Medea, and discuss the strength of links between the ancient story and our contemporary world. Significance is also understood in the designed use of space, splitting the audience in two, setting them as the chorus, forcing them to face each other through the action, is seen to be crucial to the narrative's success. 'This interpretation of Medea is ripe for our times: where our understanding of the damage patriarchy wreaks on the lives of both men and women is being explored and talked about.' 'A savage and subversive re-imagining of events surrounding a classic text, Just a Boy is a contemporary parable of the patriarchy that shows what happens when you're smart, strong and female.' See: (2021)

Size or Duration of Work

Approximately 90 minute running time, two week show run


Emily Collett, University of Melbourne

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