The University of Melbourne

Parallax/Drum Theatre

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posted on 2024-06-07, 05:57 authored by Megan BeckwithMegan Beckwith, Wendy Feng, Jacques Soddell
The remount of Parallax for the Drum Theatre features new dance choreography and motion capture animation. The dance, performed by Wendy Feng, includes 10 minutes of new stereoscopic imagery created through motion capture and animated in the Unreal Engine. The 45 minute dance performance that Wendy Feng performed was also substantially revised for her, including the new motion capture section of choreography. Parallax is a live contemporary dance and animation performance that is set within virtual computer generated 3D environments. The audience puts on 3D glasses to view the 3D imagery that appears to emerge from the screen and dance with the performer. The audience also feels like they can reach out and touch the images. Thematically, the performance follows a woman who drinks a green drink and enters an illusionary world, transporting her through a series of abstract spaces. The hallway she stands in becomes a portal to new digital worlds, each different and sometimes dangerous. These environments contain fragments of the past rendered as 3D objects, such as Leonardo da Vinci's spheres, Charles Wheatstone's cubes, and Euclid's Greek columns. These objects represent historical and philosophical shifts in the notions of visual perspective. Each object she encounters presents different physical and emotional challenges that the woman must navigate. In each world, she sees herself from different perspectives, creating a parallax effect.


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NTRO Output Type

  • Live Performance of Creative Work

NTRO Output Category

  • Live Performance of Creative Work : Dance


Melbourne, Australia


Drum Theatre

NTRO Publisher

Drum Theatre

Start Date


End Date



Dance and Stereoscopic Animated Projection

Research Statement

The remount of Parallax explored using motion capture data to render animations in Unreal Engine. Megan Beckwith and Wendy Feng developed new movements for the motion capture process and the 50-minute performance, investigating Unreal Engine for stereoscopic dance performance imagery. The project established: 1.The use of the Unreal Engine for rendering motion capture and stereoscopic imagery 2. A new motion capture animation pipeline for the TrakLab at VCA Dance, setting a precedent and working processed for future projects 3. New choreography developed specifically for the motion capture process and Wendy Feng's rendition of the 50 minute performance. Parallax was selected for development and performance at the Drum theatre through the selection panel of theatres within the Victorian Showcase. The Showcase Victoria program is curated by an industry panel representing a broad cross-section of theatre venues, programming and touring organisations from around Victoria. Successful applicants are selected according to guidelines based on artistic quality and innovation, viability, diversity and accessibility and audience appeal and community engagement. The project was also included in creative Victoria's Touring Victoria program until the onset of the Pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

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Megan Beckwith, University of Melbourne

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    Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs)



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