The University of Melbourne


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posted on 2024-06-23, 22:03 authored by Megan BeckwithMegan Beckwith, Kialea-Nadine WilliamsKialea-Nadine Williams, Dr Stephanie Andrews
Spawned is a choreography for VR exploring the creation of a particle push/pull environment for dancers. This research explored whether VR interactivity can bring new possibilities for movement development by immersing dancers in a virtual space. The project investigated how digital landscapes influence physical performance and choreography. The research contributes to the evolving discourse on digital performance, demonstrating the potential of VR to transform traditional dance practices. In Spawned, the dancer uses a VR headset to enter an interactive digital landscape. Particles in this environment react in real-time to the movement of the dancers hands providing immediate feedback. The dancer interacts with virtual objects, with the right hand attracting particles and the left propelling them away. The VR space challenges the dancer to experiment with different movement patterns, creating a dynamic choreographic response and an adaptive performance.


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NTRO Output Type

  • Original Creative Work

NTRO Output Category

  • Original Creative Work : Textual work


Auckland, New Zealand


The University of Auckland

NTRO Publisher

Australasian Association for Theatre, Dram and Performance Studies

Start Date


End Date



Digital Choreographic Score

Research Statement

This work demonstrated that VR environments, through real human hand movements and interactive gaming physics, can be sites for choreographic innovation. Tested with dancer Kialea-Nadine Williams, it sets a precedent for future virtual choreographic research. This work demonstrated that VR environments, through real human hand movements and interactive gaming physics, can be sites for choreographic innovation. Tested with dancer Kialea-Nadine Williams, it sets a precedent for future virtual choreographic research. Spawned, a VR Environment is published on a Website and has been presented at the Australasian Drama Studies Association (ADSA ) conference, held at the University of Auckland in December 2022. The work was selected through a peer review process for this conference which is the leading performance and dance conference in Australasia. This work as created in collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Andrews who is currently the Program Manager for the Masters of Animation at RMIT University.

Size or Duration of Work

5 to 30 min choreographic score


Megan Beckwith, University of Melbourne

Usage metrics

    Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs)



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