The University of Melbourne

(Process) Rhizome: “Can’t you see everything’s connected?”

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Version 2 2022-12-06, 00:05
Version 1 2022-08-24, 01:10
posted on 2022-12-06, 00:05 authored by NEDASADAT SAJADI

This artwork belongs to the funded doctoral research project, titled: How Can We Teach/Learn Emotion Words and Complex Abstract Meanings? – A Relational A/r/tographic Conversation In-between Images and Words.

Nedasadat Sajadi

The University of Melbourne

Melbourne Graduate School of Education

This illustration is made using colour pencils on white A3 paper. The artwork is connected to a series of illustrations created as responses to research inquiries. The rhizome illustration shows a living/becoming/changing inquiry as well as a relational, nonlinear, and speculative learning experience.


The Creativity and Wellbeing Hallmark Research Initiative (CAWRI) and The Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship
