The University of Melbourne

Visual Abstract for 'Imaging the Respiratory Transition at Birth: Unravelling the Complexities of the First Breaths of Life' Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2021

Version 4 2021-02-19, 04:48
Version 3 2021-02-19, 04:40
Version 2 2021-02-19, 04:39
Version 1 2021-02-19, 04:29
posted on 2021-02-19, 04:48 authored by DAVID TINGAYDAVID TINGAY, Olivia Farrell, Jessica Thomson, Elizabeth Perkins, Prue M. Pereira-Fantini, Andreas D. Waldmann, Christoph M. Rüegger, andy adler, Peter G. Davis, Inéz Frerichs
Visual Abstract (Suppl Fig 2) for Tingay et al AJRCCM 2021 publication
Imaging the Respiratory Transition at Birth: Unravelling the Complexities of the First Breaths of Life
PubMed: 33545023


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