The University of Melbourne

Dreams for Digital Spaces AERA 2023 Representative Symposium

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Version 2 2023-04-18, 02:26
Version 1 2023-04-18, 02:21
posted on 2023-04-18, 02:26 authored by SARAH HEALYSARAH HEALY, KATHRYN COLEMANKATHRYN COLEMAN, Aleesha Rodriguez, Rebecca Ng, Andy ZhaoAndy Zhao, Jessica Laraine Williams, Nedasadat Sajadi, Amanda BeltonAmanda Belton, Rebekah Willett

The Dreams for Digital Spaces Representative Symposium was presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting held in Chicago, US, 14th April 2023. These are the slides that accompanied the presentation. Note that Part 1. (whole contribution) and Part 3 (video walk-through of metaverse) contain pop-up video material from the presentation, pre-recorded by colleagues unable to travel to the event.  For full details of each of the four interrelated contributions and a full, combined reference list see the The Dreams for Digital Spaces joint symposium paper, co-written to accompany the symposium. 

Abstract:  Dreams for Digital Spaces Symposium explores the array of so-called truths that shape the digital worlds of children, educators, researchers, imaginaries, data, AI, algorithms and more through a series of four interconnected presentations involving research that takes up the digital as a focus and/or mode of inquiry. Together the presentations demonstrate the power of combining data science with philosophy, artistry, co-design, and educational research through interdisciplinary collaborations – collaborations which have folded in and out of each other as ideas, methods and even people have travelled. The symposium offers the audience an opportunity to consider how digital practices become the stuff of dreams and nightmares, making room for a multiplicity of potentially transformative truths to take place across virtual and physical sites. 


This paper was presented as part of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Representative Symposium at AERA2023. We acknowledge the support of our work by AARE through the Representative Symposium scheme.


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