The University of Melbourne

SoTEL PK 20_2024_ DrSND FINAL_iConceptsOrthodontics.pptx

posted on 2024-04-11, 04:29 authored by Shazia Naser-ud-DinShazia Naser-ud-Din


Traditional teaching methods with models and static images for 3Dimensional changes in Orthodontics have immense challenges, as the learner is unable to clear concepts on the different planes that affect the final tooth positions not to mention the protracted treatment time ranges from 12months (simple cases) to 36monts (complex cases). Furthermore, orthodontic movements can pose difficulty in understanding the changes particularly in growing children adding to the fourth dimension. At UQ (Naser-ud-Din, 2015) and others internationally (Bridges, 2015) over a decade with experience of creating online teaching modules highlight its strengths. UQ had SBLi -Scenario Based Learning interactive for Postgraduate Orthodontic students who found it highly engaging, with self-reflective and self-assessment elements which are essential for strong andragogy (Khoo et al., 2023; Naser-ud-Din, 2016). Generally simulations can be expensive (Kröger et al., 2017) and its essential to explore cost effective simulation teaching tools with ease of accessibility on demand for learner convenience. There is a gap in the dental education sector to enhance the learning of core concepts in biomechanics. Limited 3D simulated online learning tools for the student in undergraduate courses leads them not to feel confident and clinic ready on graduation as Dentist. Over the past 5 years in particular there has been a exponential drive by the industry providing 3D simulations for treatment planning and patient communication in Orthodontics.

Aims & Objectives

The aim of this presentation for SoTEL in 2024 is to highlight the time efficiency and cost effectiveness of this learning tool. The purpose of iConcepts is to create lifelong learning opportunities in non-judgmental space by visual ,auditory and kinesthetic (VAK) interactive learning of concepts that directly translates into clinical applications based on strong Pedagogy, Andragogy and Heutagogy (PAH) principles. Moreover, it is imperative to have Long Term Retention (LTR) (Irvine, 2020) for learning new tasks and concepts.

Material & Methods

Currently the CAD CAM industry is providing 3D simulations as open access that can be utilized for teaching and clearing core concepts related to biomechanics foundations , for increasing student learning, engagement and assessment. This project envisages to create a new forum encompassing current education revolution with robust online presence of an interactive textbook under the banner of UoM to assist students in DDS year 2-4. SoTL grants and ethics applications to be submitted in 2024.


In the past decade CAD CAM became clinically relevant particularly with Clear Aligner Therapy adding to higher precision and patient satisfaction. Both qualitative and quantitative data on student experience shall be collected and analyzed to seek out the best practice and processes for instruction of delivery in Orthodontics for DDS cohort encompassing time efficiency and cost effectiveness. Focus groups, thematic analysis and learning outcome metrics shall be analyzed. It is imperative that students in dentistry are aware of the digital workflows and have clinical preparedness on graduation as it’s the future and here to stay.


The current iConcepts is developed with Apple Education online and prototype is being assessed with MSc Data Science cohort at UoM for feasibility and applications for student engagement.

Future Recommendations

iConcepts can be marketed to developing universities internationally assisting the dissemination of information - a flagship for UoM and revenue generation for department of Education at UoM. As we progress there will be more and more demand towards interactive concepts clarification (Poblete et al., 2020); hence iConcepts can be also be transferable to other faculties and disciplines.


Bridges, S. (2015). An emic lens into online learning environments in PBL in undergraduate dentistry. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 10(1), 22-37.

Irvine, J. (2020). Marzano's New Taxonomy as a Framework for Investigating Student Affect. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 24.

Khoo, E., Le, A., & Lipp, M. J. (2023). Learning Games: A New Tool for Orthodontic Education. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2039.

Kröger, E., Dekiff, M., & Dirksen, D. (2017). 3D printed simulation models based on real patient situations for hands-on practice. European Journal of Dental Education, 21(4), e119-e125.

Naser-ud-Din, S. (2015). Introducing Scenario Based Learning interactive to postgraduates in UQ Orthodontic Program. Eur J Dent Educ, 19(3), 169-176.

Naser-ud-Din, S. (2016). Bewertung von unterschiedlichen asynchronen Lehrstilen für das E-Learning in der Kieferorthopädie FAU - Naser-ud-Din, Shazia. Quintessence Publishing Deutschland DJKFO, 1(0945-7917 (Print)).

Poblete, P., McAleer, S., & Mason, A. G. (2020). 3D Technology Development and Dental Education: What Topics Are Best Suited for 3D Learning Resources? Dentistry Journal, 8(3), 95.


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