The Luminary
The Luminary is an animated love story, albeit a slightly unconventional one. The protagonist, a reclusive etymologist with a light bulb in the place of his head searches for the missing link in his collection - the lunar moth. She holds the key to his collection and to his happiness. As he waits to find her, the seasons turn from autumn through to spring. In the light of spring, love blossoms as the elusive lunar moth is willingly in lured to the brightness of our protagonist's globe. But like the passing cycles of nature that move through the background of the story, this love is also part of a cycle. And like much love, it is destined to become dust. Even before summer begins, the dust settles and our protagonist returns to ponder the themes of transience, impermanence, and his place in the world, as the audience is left to wonder whether his happiness will return again.
Produced by Shannon Owen. Written & Directed by Nicholas Kallincos.
Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria
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NTRO Output Type
- Original Creative Work
NTRO Output Category
- Original Creative Work : Other