posted on 2020-10-08, 02:30authored byEric Emerson, Gwynnyth Llewellyn, HANNAH BADLAND, Roger Stancliffe, ANNE KAVANAGHANNE KAVANAGH, George Disney, Qingsheng Zhou
People with disabilities are more likely than others to face disadvantage. They are more likely to be poor, and they are more likely to be unemployed. This is why the Australian government has tried to reduce inequality faced by people with disabilities. Australia developed the Disability Discrimination Act in 1992. In 2008 Australia ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In 2013 Australia launched the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
A Fair Go? Measuring Australia’s progress in reducing the disadvantage for adults with
disabilities 2001-2016 was written by Professor Eric Emerson with contributions from Professor
Gwynnyth Llewellyn, Professor Roger Stancliffe, Dr Hannah Badland, Professor Anne Kavanagh,
Dr George Disney and Dr Qingsheng Zhou, from the Centre of Research Excellence in Disability
and Health (CRE-DH).
The report contributes to earlier evidence reported in A Fair Go? Inequality,
Wellbeing and Australian adults with disabilities 2001-2015.
This report uses unit record data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia
(HILDA) Survey. The HILDA Survey was initiated and is funded by the Australian Government
Department of Social Services (DSS) and is managed by the Melbourne Institute of Applied
Economic and Social Research (Melbourne Institute). The findings in this report are those of the
authors and do not represent the views of either the DSS or the Melbourne Institute.
The Australian government has made
several commitments to reduce the extent of
discrimination and disadvantage experienced
by people with disabilities.
• In 1992 Australia enacted the Disability
Discrimination Act;
• In 2008 Australia ratified the UN
Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities (UNCRPD). In doing so,
Australia entered in to an international
obligation to progressively realise the
rights of people with disabilities and
eliminate disability discrimination in all
areas of life;
• In 2011 Australia published its National
Disability Strategy to achieve ‘an inclusive
Australian society that enables people
with disability to fulfil their potential as
equal citizens’.4
• In 2013 Australia launched its National
Disability Insurance Scheme.
There is, however, no formally agreed
mechanism for monitoring the extent
to which Australia is making progress
in reducing the discrimination and
disadvantage experienced by people
with disabilities.
The Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH) is hosted by the University of
Melbourne and is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).