The University of Melbourne

Statistical analysis plan template for observational studies

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Version 5 2023-05-18, 08:57
Version 4 2023-05-18, 08:46
Version 3 2020-06-12, 07:21
Version 2 2020-06-12, 07:19
Version 1 2020-06-12, 05:23
online resource
posted on 2023-05-18, 08:57 authored by Marnie DownesMarnie Downes, Daisy ShepherdDaisy Shepherd, Rushani WijesuriyaRushani Wijesuriya, S Ghazaleh DashtiS Ghazaleh Dashti, Tong ChenTong Chen, John CarlinJohn Carlin, Margarita Moreno-BetancurMargarita Moreno-Betancur

This is an analysis plan template for the design of statistical analyses in observational studies. It was developed to strengthen the quality of observational studies and to aid in the efficient development of research manuscripts by addressing several key principles together.
