The University of Melbourne

Evidence to action (E2A) framework: A participatory approach to action research learning

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Version 4 2023-03-02, 03:34
Version 3 2023-03-02, 03:33
Version 2 2021-08-11, 04:25
Version 1 2021-06-02, 04:01
online resource
posted on 2023-03-02, 03:34 authored by Joyati Das, Stephanie ButcherStephanie Butcher, Rewa MaratheRewa Marathe, Susanna Hausmann

The Evidence to Action Project at the Melbourne Centre for Cities, University of Melbourne was commissioned by Fondation Botnar, a Swiss Philanthropic organisation committed to improving the health and wellbeing of young people in urban environments. The project promotes the value of evidence building and learning for driving systemic change through programmatic and policy action at all levels of urban planning and governance. 

The Evidence to Action Framework is presented as a meta-learning tool that applies an action research strategy for generating and mobilising evidence about ‘what works’ (or what does not work) across the Fondation Botnar cities portfolio, to inform actions that contribute to young people’s wellbeing in intermediary cities.


Fondation Botnar
