The University of Melbourne

Violence against young people with disability in Australia - Fact Sheet No. 2

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Version 3 2021-05-26, 00:17
Version 2 2020-09-23, 23:42
Version 1 2020-09-23, 01:45
online resource
posted on 2021-05-26, 00:17 authored by GEORGINA SUTHERLANDGEORGINA SUTHERLAND, LAUREN KRNJACKI, JEN HARGRAVEJEN HARGRAVE, ANNE KAVANAGHANNE KAVANAGH, Gwynnyth Llewellyn, Alex SullyAlex Sully, Anne-Marie Bollier

In Australia, young people with disability report high rates of violence.

This fact sheet is the second in a series on violence against people with disability in Australia and is based on current data for men and women. For the purpose of this fact sheet, young people are defined as being those aged 18-29 years. Data were sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey 2016 where people reported on their experience of violence in the last 12 months. We recognise that not all people with disability are represented in the survey and that rates of violence are under-reported.

This fact sheet was produced by the team at the Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH) and funded by the Melbourne Disability Institute.

Uploaded here are pdf and word (plain language) versions.


1116385 NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH)
