This short video aims to visualise the current knowledge gap and the overall project of my PhD, emphasing the development of a personalised risk-assessment tool that can predict the probability of developing new primary cancers following colorectal cancer.
A major concern for colorectal cancer survivors is facing the development of subsequent new cancers, both in the primary organs and other locations within the body. Presently, there is no method to identify which survivors are at the highest risk of developing such new primary cancers. If it becomes possible to predict which colorectal cancer survivors are more likely to develop a new cancer, targeted screening and early detection measures could be offered based on their risk—precision prevention (also known as risk-based approach).
The main outcome of my thesis will be a validated risk prediction model that will help clinicians to utilise to identify colorectal cancer survivors at high risk of new primary cancers. Then they can optimise early-detection measures, leveraging existing and upcoming surveillance strategies.