Scripts required to run all of the analyses in the project.
The following 5 scripts relate to the univariate genetic modelling:
1. oneSETca_SexlimHet5_AS_22032021.R: Script for testing quantitative and qualitative assumption tests, adjusted for age and sex for 5 zygosity groups.
2. ICC_AS_22032021: Script for calculating age- and sex-adjusted twin correlations.
3. ICC_AS_bySex_22032021: Same as above but splits output for each zyg group.
4. UniACE_AS_22032021: Fits an ACE model with the same covariate adjustments.
5. miFunctions.R: additional helper functions for fitting the model. This is automatically loaded within each of the other genetic scripts, so does not need to be run on its own.
In addition, the following scripts relate to the rest of the analyses in the figure:
1. iScience-D-12-03975-analyses-and-figures - RMarkdown file containing all of the descriptive analyses, code for reproducing figures and
2. SPSS_factor_analysis_script.sps- SPSS script for the factor analyses.