The University of Melbourne

Allison Creed

Teaching Specialist

Melbourne, Australia

Dr Allison Creed researches in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, focusing on metaphorical language in communication and education. Currently a Teaching Specialist in the Faculty of Arts, she holds Masters degrees in Education (TESOL) and Learning and Development, underpinned by a Bachelor of Learning Design. Allison’s research and teaching experience spans applied linguistics, wine marketing, and career development.

This diverse background enables her to adapt to any learning environment and deliver evidence-based solutions that measurably improve educational outcomes. Her published work appears in the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Journal of Career Assessment, the Edward Elgar Handbook of Research Methods in Careers, and Palgrave Macmillan's Management and Marketing of Wine Tourism Business.

Allison is a research team member of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’s Metaphor Lab and the UniSQ ACCELL Research Team. She also collaborates with colleagues at Leiden University's Centre for Linguistics and the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences’ Faculty of Education. Her current project is, "A Metaphor Driven Approach to Wine Education and Language Translation. "

Allison Creed's public data