InSEA Drawing in the Wild Gallery: Regenerating through shared creative practice
The InSEA SEAP Collective includes global contributing artist-teachers that participated in The International Society for Education Through Art 2021 South East Asia and Pacific Webinar Series: Healing through Visual Arts and Education. Drawing in the Wild invited artist-teachers to listen, draw, w/rite, share and connect through creative healing practices that enfold physical and digital spaces. Our collaboration can be accessed here in this Padlet Image Quilt: The Padlet Image Quilt acknowledges our collaborations with Country that we live, work, learn and know from as being and becoming a/r/tographers (Irwin, 2013). The sky, lands, waterways, peoples and animals form the placestories quilted here. The quilt is threaded by collaborations between known and unknown artist-teachers who came together to heal through art, research and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Irwin, R.L (2013) Becoming A/r/tography, Studies in Art Education, 54(3) 198-215, DOI: 10.1080/00393541.2013.11518894