The Futures of Learning Speculative Co-Design Toolkit, created by young people and teachers for young people and teachers in partnership with SWISP Lab. The toolkit provides the resources for speculative pedagogies and critical design practices. It has been distributed to pre and in-service design teachers after completing a speculative design hackathon with SWISP Lab. The hackathons are purposefully designed to introduce SWISP Lab's speculative practice architectures, which are adapted from Dunne and Raby's (2013) practice architectures. Futures of Learning arises from the urgent need for innovative models of community-based education that explore human-land-technology relationships as collective expression and mobilisation of knowledge. It engages with grand challenges affecting young people, particularly those associated with the climate crisis and intensified use of digital technologies which can both mitigate and contribute to ecological collapse. The resulting Speculative Co-Design Toolkit is an educational adventure, inviting design teachers and students alike to embrace the realm of speculation, transcending the boundaries of the present now to envision tomorrows to come.
Creative Futures Design Research and Education Fund